Carnie Wilson Opens Up about Her 40-Pound Weight Loss and New Diet Modifications

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Photo by | Stable Diffusion

Carnie Wilson, the Wilson Phillips singer, has lost 40 pounds by making significant changes to her diet. She has cut out gluten and sugar since September 2023 and is treating her nutrition like her sobriety, taking it one day at a time. Wilson had previously tried bariatric surgery when she was at her heaviest, but this time around, it’s diet changes that are helping her on her weight-loss journey. She compared her new eating habits to her sobriety, focusing on being strict and not relying on pills or shots for assistance.

Wilson decided to make changes to her diet after experiencing internal feelings of being done with foods that made her feel unwell. A bloodwork panel revealed that she was prediabetic, with high blood sugars and cholesterol levels, as well as pain in her belly. Despite being in perimenopause, Wilson realized that her food choices may have been contributing to her discomfort and made the decision to cut out sugar and gluten. Since starting her new diet, she has felt a difference in her overall well-being and is looking to incorporate more exercise into her routine to continue her weight loss progress.

On Instagram, Wilson celebrated her weight loss with a side-by-side photo showing her progress. She expressed pride in achieving the weight loss through diet alone, without the use of pills or shots. Although she has incorporated some fats back into her diet, cutting out sugar, gluten, and butter has been a game-changer for her. Wilson emphasized that she has adjusted her eating habits to satisfy her cravings in a realistic way, focusing on foods like corn tortillas, brown rice, tortilla chips, and guacamole, without depriving herself of other foods she enjoys.

Despite her role as the host of a new cooking show on AXS TV, Wilson is committed to maintaining her new eating habits for the long term. She stated that she does not plan to go back to eating sugar or gluten and wants her new diet to be a permanent lifestyle change. Wilson is determined to continue her weight loss journey through diet and exercise and feels better overall since making these changes. She views her journey as a “miracle” and is proud of the progress she has made.

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