How to Secure Government Contracts: Enhance Your Personal LinkedIn Profile

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State and local government procurement specialists are increasingly using the Internet to gather information about vendors. Lumino, a B2G marketing agency, conducted a survey of 100 state and local government officials and 100 federal government budget owners to understand how they find, evaluate, and select new vendors. The survey indicated that 35 percent of state and local government respondents exclusively vet vendors online, highlighting the importance of having a strong online presence. A company’s website and search engine optimization (SEO) strategy are critical in attracting government agencies, as they often use search engines to find vendors for RFP invitations.

The survey results also revealed that LinkedIn is the preferred social media platform for governments of all sizes to discover new vendors. In contrast, TikTok ranked lowest in terms of platform usage for vendor discovery. Government agencies not only look at a company’s main LinkedIn profile but also search for information on vendors’ personal accounts during the RFP review process. Having a complete and updated LinkedIn profile is essential, as it signals to government budget owners that a vendor takes their online presence seriously and is knowledgeable in their field.

While online tools are essential for connecting governments and vendors, the survey showed that in-person interactions at trade shows still hold value. A majority of state and local governments reported that they attend trade shows to discover new vendors, and a significant percentage evaluate vendors based on their interactions at these events. While the Internet allows for initial contact and research, face-to-face interactions at trade shows can facilitate the relationship-building process and provide government agencies with a better understanding of a vendor’s offerings and capabilities. State and local respondents are more likely to attend trade shows than their federal counterparts, indicating the continued importance of in-person networking.

The report emphasizes the importance of establishing a strong online presence and engaging with government agencies through platforms like LinkedIn and trade shows. Companies that neglect their online profiles may miss out on valuable opportunities to connect with potential government clients. By optimizing their websites for search engines, maintaining updated LinkedIn profiles, and participating in trade shows, vendors can increase their visibility and credibility in the eyes of state and local government procurement specialists. These strategies can help vendors stand out in a competitive marketplace and attract government contracts.

Overall, the findings of the survey highlight the evolving nature of government procurement practices, with state and local agencies increasingly relying on online channels to find and evaluate vendors. By adapting their marketing strategies to align with government procurement trends, vendors can enhance their chances of securing contracts and partnerships with government agencies. The combination of online visibility, social media engagement, and in-person networking at trade shows can help vendors establish trust and credibility with government buyers, leading to successful business relationships in the public sector.

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