Instagram offers advice on creating compelling stories

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Photo by | Stable Diffusion

Instagram has recently provided an expanded overview of tips and tricks for Stories to help improve engagement. The overview includes five presentation tips and a few sharing notes that could enhance the usage of Stories. One tip is to use “Sticker Templates” which invite other users to contribute to a Story, driving more direct engagement. Users can add GIFs, text, or images to the template to help boost engagement. To create an Add Yours template, users can select “Add Yours Templates” from the sticker tray, create a custom template, or tap the dice for inspiration. Once shared to the story, anyone can use the template and add their spin to it.

Another tip highlighted by Instagram is the use of “Layout” as a Stories composer option, which enables users to present multiple images in creative ways. Users can tap the Layout icon before taking a photo, change the grid layout, take a series of photos, or select pictures from the camera roll. Additionally, filling the Story background with a solid color can make Stories appear more professional. Users can easily do this by selecting their desired color, then tapping and holding on the Stories window. Instagram also notes that users can add a translucent overlay to their story by selecting the highlighter icon before pressing the screen to fill.

Instagram also mentions the option to turn live photos into a Boomerang. Users can choose a live photo from their camera roll with the boomerang icon in the corner, then press and hold on the photo to convert it into a Boomerang. Additionally, users can make emojis “glow” in their Story by typing out the emoji using the text tool, selecting the neon cursive font, and toggling on the background text color. The emoji will then have a soft glow around it, with the option to change the color of the glow using the color picker. Instagram also notes that users can add a mention to a Story in retrospect and create a “Close Friends” list to limit Story sharing.

Overall, these composition notes provided by Instagram could help users create better Stories and drive more response. By utilizing Sticker Templates, Layout, solid background colors, Boomerangs, glowing emojis, mentions, and Close Friends lists, users can enhance their Stories and engage with their audience more effectively. These features and tips are designed to make Stories more interactive, visually appealing, and engaging for both creators and viewers. Instagram’s full overview of Stories tips can be found on their platform for users to reference and implement in their content creation strategy.

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