Making Spring Cleaning Easier: Tips for the 80% of Households Doing a Deep Clean

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Photo by | Stable Diffusion

Spring cleaning is a tradition that 80% of U.S. households are engaging in this year, according to the American Cleaning Institute. The survey respondents believe that having a clean home not only provides a sense of accomplishment but also boosts mood, productivity, and decreases stress. However, there are areas that people tend to dread cleaning, such as hard-to-reach places like behind furniture or appliances, as well as places that can get dirty easily like bathrooms. Despite these challenges, some people do not dread any cleaning tasks at all.

Cleaning experts recommend decluttering before starting the cleaning process to make it more manageable. Deep cleaning areas that are typically neglected during routine cleaning is also essential. They suggest moving furniture to clean hidden spots, like AC vents, windows, and baseboards. Creating a cleaning playlist filled with favorite tunes can help set a positive vibe and make the cleaning process more enjoyable. The experts encourage getting creative with organization by using colorful storage bins and vibrant markers to add personality to storage solutions.

To avoid becoming overwhelmed by spring cleaning, it is recommended to divide the cleaning tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. Cleaning experts advise involving family members or roommates in the cleaning process to distribute the workload and create a sense of teamwork. It is also vital to clean from top to bottom to prevent having to redo areas. Creating a checklist or schedule can help keep track of tasks that need to be completed and ensure nothing is forgotten. Choosing the right cleaning products, including environmentally responsible options, can make spring cleaning easier and create a healthier living space.

As part of spring cleaning, it is essential to prep your clothes for the new season by using the steam cycle on your dryer to loosen fibers, eliminate odors, and release wrinkles. Additionally, checking and cleaning appliances is crucial for maintaining their performance and longevity. Experts recommend checking the vent pipe behind the dryer for lint build-up and cleaning the lint filter regularly. Proper detergent use is essential to prevent soapy residue on clothes and damage to the washing machine. Front-load washers should be dried after every cycle by leaving the door ajar to prevent moldy smells.

Spring cleaning has been reported to be overwhelming for some individuals, with 21% of survey respondents feeling that way. To make spring cleaning more manageable, cleaning experts recommend making it a family affair to involve multiple people in the process. Taking time to create a schedule and checklist can help ensure that all tasks are completed efficiently and nothing is forgotten. Choosing the right cleaning products, prepping clothes for the new season, and checking and maintaining appliances are key components of a successful and effective spring cleaning routine.

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