Woman dials 911 to report dealer for selling inferior meth: ‘Not as expected’

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Sarah Harris, a 34-year-old woman from Indiana, found herself in trouble with the law when she called the police to report that her methamphetamine dealer had sold her a bad batch of drugs. She made two separate calls to 911 in January to complain about the quality of the drugs she had purchased. Harris even went so far as to hand over the drugs to the police at her home in the city of Bedford in order for them to test its authenticity.

According to an arrest affidavit obtained by the Smoking Gun, Harris claimed that the bad meth she had ingested made her feel as though she was having a heart attack. She admitted to snorting the substance and experienced a different sensation when it came into contact with her skin and nostrils. Harris compared this painful experience to the effects of normal meth that she had smoked with a friend previously, indicating that the two reactions were noticeably different.

Despite her own involvement in illegal drug use, Harris expressed a desire to turn in the supplier of the bad meth in order to seek retribution. She openly acknowledged her illegal activity to the police, hoping that providing information about her dealer would lead to consequences for the individual who supplied her with the subpar drugs. Harris’s willingness to come clean about her involvement in the drug trade ultimately led to her being charged with possession of meth, a felony that could result in a maximum prison sentence of 30 months.

This recent arrest was not Harris’s first encounter with law enforcement. She has a history of prior convictions for various offenses, including theft, meth possession, criminal mischief, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. These previous run-ins with the law indicate a pattern of criminal behavior that has put Harris on the radar of local authorities in the past, making this latest incident just one in a series of legal issues that she has faced throughout her life.

Despite her criminal history, Harris’s decision to report her drug dealer to the police demonstrates a willingness to participate in the legal process and seek justice for herself and others who may have been affected by the sale of dangerous drugs. By being open and honest about her own involvement in drug use, Harris took a risk in the hopes of holding her dealer accountable for selling her a dangerous substance. While her actions have resulted in serious legal consequences for herself, they also serve as a reminder of the dangers of drug use and the importance of reporting criminal activity to law enforcement.

In conclusion, Sarah Harris’s story highlights the complex nature of drug addiction and criminal behavior. Her decision to report her drug dealer to the police despite her own involvement in illegal activities sheds light on the challenges faced by individuals struggling with substance abuse. While Harris’s actions have led to legal consequences for herself, they also serve as a reminder of the importance of seeking justice and holding those who engage in criminal behavior accountable for their actions. This case underscores the need for education and support for individuals dealing with addiction as well as the role that law enforcement plays in addressing drug-related crimes in local communities.

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