X’s ‘free’ Premium offering results in unwanted blue checkmarks for individuals

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Elon Musk announced that X is offering free Premium and Premium Plus memberships to accounts with a high number of verified followers. Many X users have reported seeing the blue checkmark next to their handles despite not paying for a subscription. Previously, the verified symbol on X was reserved for celebrities, politicians, and journalists, but it became available to anyone who purchased a Premium membership. Verified users who did not pay for a membership lost their checkmarks, but Musk intervened to ensure some accounts were verified, including those of people like Steven King and LeBron.

Before Musk’s intervention, the verified symbol on X was typically seen on accounts with a large following. Musk’s announcement brought back the checkmark to many influential X accounts with tens or hundreds of thousands of followers. These accounts may have already had a verified following that crossed the required benchmark for free Premium membership. Users who were granted verification under the latest scheme reportedly received a message about their newly verified status. The move seems to be part of Musk’s efforts to change X’s subscription and verification policies.

Musk’s decision to offer free Premium and Premium Plus memberships to accounts with a high number of verified followers is a significant change for X. Previously, the platform charged for the privilege of being verified and using premium features. Musk’s intervention has brought back the checkmark to many influential accounts with large followings. This change may impact how verification is viewed on X and could potentially lead to more widespread use of the checkmark on the platform.

The free Premium and Premium Plus memberships offered to accounts with a high number of verified followers could have a ripple effect on how verification is perceived on X. Instead of being seen as a paid feature that anyone can obtain, verification may once again become associated with accounts that have a significant following. This shift in policy could lead to more accounts being verified on X, regardless of whether they have paid for a membership, as long as they meet the criteria set by Musk. It remains to be seen how this change will impact the platform and its users in the long run.

Overall, Musk’s decision to offer free Premium and Premium Plus memberships to accounts with a high number of verified followers is a significant departure from X’s previous policy. This change could impact how verification is seen on the platform, with the checkmark once again becoming associated with accounts that have a significant following. Musk’s intervention has brought back the checkmark to many influential accounts with large followings, potentially changing the landscape of verification on X. It will be interesting to see how this change plays out and what implications it may have for the platform and its users.

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