Bowser from Nintendo causes chaos on LinkedIn by fighting over plane seats


Nintendo of America’s president, Doug Bowser, recently engaged in a heated online exchange on LinkedIn with Chad Rogers, a partner at public affairs agency Crestview Strategy. Rogers had posted a rant about airplane etiquette, specifically regarding passengers using the seat in front of them for support as they enter or exit their seat. Bowser responded to Rogers’ post, calling it arrogant and entitled. He argued that some passengers may have physical limitations or struggle with the narrow seating areas, and should be allowed to support themselves gently when needed. Bowser also questioned where on the ticket documentation passengers’ ‘rights’ to the seat back or other ‘rules’ were declared.

Rogers fired back at Bowser, defending his position by stating that manners should be clear, and that seats are allocated by passengers and printed on boarding passes. Bowser, in his final response, differentiated between manners and rights, and pointed out that arrogance still prevailed in Rogers’ comments. Rogers deleted Bowser’s comments and other replies he didn’t like, but evidence of the comment war can still be found on Bowser’s LinkedIn profile. Another user praised Bowser’s response, which garnered nine likes, while Rogers attempted to downplay Bowser’s significance with a snarky reply that received zero likes.

The exchange between Bowser and Rogers highlights the tendency for individuals, even high-profile executives, to engage in online confrontations over petty issues. The nature of social media platforms allows for immediate responses and public displays of disagreement, often leading to heated back-and-forth interactions. Despite his position at Nintendo, Bowser did not hold back in expressing his disagreement with Rogers’ comments, a rarity for corporate executives who are expected to maintain a certain level of professionalism in their public interactions.

The incident serves as a humorous reminder that even wealthy and powerful individuals like Bowser can be drawn into online disagreements over trivial matters. The exchange on LinkedIn mirrors the behavior of regular internet users who feel compelled to respond to controversial posts or comments. Bowser’s willingness to challenge Rogers’ assertions demonstrates that even those in positions of authority are not immune to becoming embroiled in online arguments. In the age of social media, anyone, regardless of their status or position, can find themselves engaging in heated exchanges on public platforms.

Overall, the online interaction between Doug Bowser and Chad Rogers underscores the prevalence of confrontational behavior on social media platforms, even among prominent figures. The incident serves as a lighthearted example of how individuals, regardless of their social standing, can be drawn into online disputes over seemingly insignificant matters. Bowser’s participation in the exchange reflects the human tendency to defend one’s beliefs and opinions, regardless of the forum or audience. Ultimately, the interaction serves as a reminder that social media can be a space for both professional discourse and humorous exchanges between individuals, regardless of their status.

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