Columbia Jewish student group warns of evolving antisemitism in open letter


A group of Jewish students at Columbia University have expressed their discomfort with the ongoing tensions on campus in an open letter titled “In Our Name: A Message from Jewish Students at Columbia University.” The letter, signed by a coalition of Jewish students without attribution to a specific campus organization, addresses the various individuals who have spoken on behalf of Jewish students in recent months. This includes well-meaning alumni, politicians, and Jewish peers who claim to represent ‘real Jewish values’ while delegitimizing the lived experiences of antisemitism. The students claim they are targeted for their belief in Israel’s right to exist and are often criticized by those who misuse the term ‘Zionist’ as a slur synonymous with racism, oppression, or genocide.

The letter takes a strong Zionist stance and defends the views of like-minded students on campus, asserting that political disagreements over Israel’s existence have led to conflicts over Jewish identity. Despite some students not being religiously observant, Zionism remains a crucial pillar of their Jewish identities due to historical reasons and the need for a safe haven for Jews around the world who have been displaced from various countries. The document, signed by over 100 students, calls for a de-escalation of ideological conflicts on campus while rejecting demands for individuals to abandon their Zionist views. The students express that their experiences at Columbia in recent months emphasize the importance of Israel as a place where Jews can safely determine their own destiny.

The letter was shared online by Students Supporting Israel President Eden Yadegar and Columbia Political Review Senior Editor Elisha Baker, among others. It ends with a plea for peace and a call for constructive dialogue to replace the violent campus protests that continue to occur at colleges across the nation. The students emphasize their desire to engage in complex conversations and repair the fractures that have emerged on campus, encouraging meaningful relationships across political and religious divides. They conclude with the message of ‘Love peace and pursue peace,’ inviting others to join them in earnestly pursuing peace, truth, and empathy in order to heal the campus community.

The group of Jewish students at Columbia University who released the open letter have expressed their concerns regarding the ongoing tensions on campus, particularly in relation to their experiences as Jewish individuals. They highlight the various individuals who have spoken on behalf of Jewish students, including well-meaning alumni, politicians, and Jewish peers, who they believe have misrepresented their views and delegitimized their experiences of antisemitism. The students feel targeted for supporting Israel’s right to exist and often face criticism from those who conflate the term ‘Zionist’ with negative connotations, leading to conflicts over Jewish identity.

Despite some Jewish students at Columbia not being religiously observant, Zionism remains an integral part of their Jewish identities due to historical reasons and the need for a safe haven for Jews who have been displaced from multiple countries. The letter, signed by over 100 students, calls for a de-escalation of ideological conflicts on campus while rejecting attempts to force individuals to abandon their Zionist beliefs. The students stress the importance of Israel as a place where Jews can take control of their own destinies and assert their right to a homeland in the modern world, especially in light of the recent experiences of Jewish students at Columbia.

The students express their desire for peace and constructive dialogue amidst the current atmosphere of increased campus protests, advocating for a shift towards more meaningful relationships across political and religious divides. They encourage others to join them in pursuing peace, truth, and empathy on campus, reaffirming their commitment to engaging in complex conversations and repairing the fractures that have emerged. The letter serves as a call to action for the entire campus community to come together in pursuit of a more harmonious and inclusive environment that respects the diverse perspectives and experiences of all students.

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