Commencement speaker at Ohio State University admits to using hallucinogen for speech preparation, details given on LinkedIn


During Ohio State University’s Spring 2024 commencement, speaker Chris Pan revealed that he had used the hallucinogen Ayahuasca to write his speech. Pan, a 1999 Ohio State graduate, social entrepreneur, investor, and musician, addressed more than 12,500 graduates along with their families and friends. Pan shared on LinkedIn that he had received help from “AI (Ayahuasca Intelligence)” to write his speech, joking that he had tried a different AI tool but found it lacking. Despite some controversial remarks about investing in Bitcoin that received boos from the audience, Pan also led the crowd in singing two songs and performed a magic trick with university president Ted Carter Jr.

The use of Ayahuasca to write a commencement speech sparked curiosity and controversy among attendees and online viewers. Some praised Pan’s unconventional approach and openness about his experience, while others criticized the decision to use a mind-altering substance in such a public setting. Pan’s speech, which included financial advice about investing in Bitcoin, received mixed reactions from the audience, with some expressing disapproval and others finding it engaging. Despite the polarizing content, Pan’s performance of popular songs and magic trick added an element of entertainment to the ceremony.

The mention of AI and Ayahuasca in Pan’s speech highlighted the intersection of technology and spirituality in his creative process. By incorporating elements of artificial intelligence and psychedelic substances into his writing, Pan offered a unique perspective on the traditional commencement address. The inclusion of personal anecdotes and humor in his speech emphasized Pan’s authenticity and willingness to take risks in order to connect with the audience. While unconventional, Pan’s approach succeeded in capturing the attention of attendees and sparking conversations about creativity and self-expression.

Pan’s decision to lead the crowd in singing popular songs and perform a magic trick reflected his background as a musician and entertainer. By engaging the audience in interactive activities, Pan created a memorable and participatory experience for attendees. Despite the initial skepticism and confusion from some audience members, Pan’s performance garnered positive reactions and showcased his ability to captivate a large audience. The combination of music, magic, and personal storytelling added a dynamic and engaging element to the traditional commencement ceremony, leaving a lasting impression on graduates and their families.

Overall, Chris Pan’s Spring 2024 commencement speech at Ohio State University stood out for its unconventional approach and memorable moments. Through the use of Ayahuasca, AI, music, and magic, Pan offered a unique and engaging experience for attendees, sparking discussions about creativity, spirituality, and self-expression. While some aspects of the speech may have been controversial, Pan’s willingness to take risks and push boundaries demonstrated his commitment to delivering a memorable and impactful message to the graduating class. As the ceremony concluded, Pan’s performance left a lasting impression on the audience and highlighted the power of innovation and authenticity in public speaking.

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