CycleBar Instructor Sheds 80 Pounds, Becomes Advocate for Plus-Sized Women of Color


Amanda Hinds, a 31-year-old woman, found herself bored with traditional indoor cycling classes and ultimately gave it up. However, after discovering a class that catered to her preferences with music and a relatable instructor, she was inspired to become a cycling instructor herself. Despite setbacks due to COVID-19 and weight gain, she eventually reconnected with her dream and started teaching cycling classes. Through determination and perseverance, she lost 80 pounds, improved her fitness and stamina, and shared her inspirational journey on TikTok.

Initially hesitant to get back on her Peloton bike, Hinds decided to push past her fears and take it day by day. She found the courage to ride at home without following classes, creating her playlist and practicing talking as if she were leading a class. Breaking down the challenge into smaller, manageable steps allowed her to build up her confidence and strength gradually. When she considered auditioning to be an instructor, despite not having lost weight, a friend encouraged her to take the chance, leading her to pursue her dream despite self-doubt.

Despite facing imposter syndrome and feelings of inadequacy, Hinds received support from her peers when she started teaching her first class. By focusing on improving her health and fitness, she was able to gain confidence in her abilities and be authentic in her teaching style. Embracing her personality and love for certain music genres, she built up her skills by taking other classes and practicing at home. Eventually, she found a job leading CycleBar classes near her home, where she felt empowered as a plus-sized woman of color on the podium.

Hinds’ journey serves as an inspiration to others, showcasing the power of perseverance, self-acceptance, and embracing one’s unique qualities. By facing challenges head-on and pushing past self-doubt, she was able to achieve her dream of becoming a cycling instructor despite initial setbacks. Her story highlights the importance of self-belief, determination, and staying true to oneself in the face of adversity. Through hard work and dedication, she was able to transform her life physically, mentally, and emotionally, ultimately finding fulfillment in her passion for indoor cycling.

As Hinds continues to grow in her role as a cycling instructor, she remains committed to her fitness journey and helping others achieve their goals. By sharing her story on social media platforms like TikTok, she has inspired countless individuals to pursue their dreams, no matter their size, background, or circumstances. Her message of resilience and self-love resonates with audiences seeking motivation and encouragement to overcome obstacles and reach their full potential. Through her actions and words, Hinds embodies the spirit of empowerment and authenticity, encouraging others to believe in themselves and follow their passions.

In conclusion, Amanda Hinds’ transformation from a disheartened gym-goer to a confident cycling instructor is a testament to the power of perseverance, self-acceptance, and determination. By facing her fears, pushing past self-doubt, and staying true to herself, she was able to achieve her dream and inspire others along the way. Her journey serves as a reminder that with hard work, dedication, and belief in oneself, anything is possible. Amanda Hinds is a shining example of how embracing one’s uniqueness and following one’s passion can lead to personal growth, fulfillment, and success.

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