DoorDash requires you to tip NYC drivers through the app


Last week, the author placed a large dinner order through DoorDash for themselves and their friends and discovered that the option to add a tip when placing the order had been removed. In New York City, DoorDash had taken away the ability to tip when ordering in protest of a law guaranteeing a minimum wage for delivery drivers. Customers now have to tip after their order is placed. The author found it difficult to add a tip even after their order was delivered, having to navigate through multiple pages and ultimately contacting DoorDash support to have a tip added manually. Other users also reported similar difficulties in adding a tip, particularly on the DoorDash website on the web.

The author highlighted the lack of clarity and accessibility in adding tips on DoorDash, especially for users who do not have the app. Some restaurants that use DoorDash’s infrastructure for online ordering do not have obvious options for tipping, potentially causing delivery drivers to miss out on gratuities. When the author inquired about the difficulty in adding a tip, DoorDash did not immediately respond to their questions about whether this was a bug or a deliberate feature. It is unclear why DoorDash has made it challenging for customers to tip their delivery drivers and whether this is a deliberate move on the company’s part.

DoorDash’s decision to shift tipping to after ordering is seen as a response to a new minimum hourly pay rate for delivery drivers in New York City. The company called the law “ill-conceived” and “extreme,” expressing discontent with the change. Despite the shift, DoorDash reassured customers that they can still tip their Dashers after checkout, for up to 30 days after the order. However, the process has become more cumbersome, requiring customers to make extra efforts to add a tip to their orders. DoorDash’s move has been perceived as a way of pushing back against the new wage law and maintaining their control over tipping practices on the platform.

The author’s experience with trying to add a tip on DoorDash reflects broader concerns about the company’s tipping policy and the impact on delivery drivers. The difficulty in adding a tip, especially for those not using the app, raises questions about the transparency and fairness of DoorDash’s tipping system. By making it more challenging for customers to tip, DoorDash may be undermining the ability of delivery drivers to earn fair compensation for their work. The lack of clarity around tipping options on DoorDash’s website and the lack of a clear response from the company contribute to the frustration and confusion experienced by customers and delivery drivers alike.

The issue of tipping on DoorDash raises larger questions about labor rights, fair compensation, and corporate responsibility. As gig economy platforms like DoorDash come under scrutiny for their treatment of workers, the company’s handling of tipping practices becomes a focal point for criticism. By making it harder for customers to tip or failing to provide clear guidelines on tipping, DoorDash risks alienating both customers and delivery workers. The company’s decision to alter its tipping policy in response to changes in labor laws further illustrates the complexities of the gig economy and the challenges faced by those working in the industry. Overall, DoorDash’s approach to tipping reflects larger systemic issues around compensation and worker rights in the gig economy, highlighting the need for greater transparency and accountability in how workers are compensated and treated in these platforms.

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