Employee shares experience of being laid off by Google on Linkedin, describes it as the ‘longest 5 minutes’


The content discusses the viral social media post by a former Google engineer, Matt Hu, who was recently laid off along with his team. Hu described the night he found out about his layoff, which came as a shock to him. As soon as he opened his laptop, he received a strange email regarding his employment, and soon realized that his time at Google was over. He also mentioned that some of his coworkers were also laid off, including his direct manager who had been at Google for almost 13 years.

Hu, who has been working as a software engineer at Google for the past two years and holds an H-1B visa, narrated the events of that night when he sensed a problem as soon as he received the email about his employment. He described it as the longest five minutes of his life and mentioned that he lost access to multiple sites and had a forced laptop reboot. Hu also mentioned that he saw his direct manager and a team leader from a neighboring team being laid off as well, making the situation even more devastating.

The social media post by Matt Hu went viral as people expressed shock and sympathy for the employees who were laid off by Google, amid reports that the company was cutting costs by hiring cheap labor outside the United States. Hu described the emotional impact of the layoffs on himself and his team, as they faced a sudden but devastating change. The post highlighted the human side of layoffs and the impact they have on employees who dedicated their time and effort to the company.

The post also mentioned that Tesla was also laying off employees, adding to the trend of companies cutting costs and reevaluating their workforce. Hu’s experience at Google, along with the layoffs at other companies, shed light on the challenges faced by employees in an uncertain economic environment. The post served as a reminder of the impact of layoffs on individuals and teams, and sparked discussions about the ethics and implications of such decisions made by companies.

Overall, the content highlighted the personal experience of a former Google employee who was laid off, along with his team, sparking a viral social media post. The post shed light on the emotional impact of layoffs and the challenges faced by employees in the current economic climate. It also highlighted the trend of companies cutting costs and reevaluating their workforce, as seen with Google and Tesla. The content serves as a reminder of the human side of layoffs and the impact they have on individuals and teams within organizations.

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