Everyone is Welcome at Our Strategy Meetings


In many organizations, the strategic direction is often determined solely by the highest levels of executive leadership. However, this approach may not always be the most effective way to arrive at the best strategy. An alternative approach that has proven to be highly effective is the application of widespread inclusion in the strategy planning process. By involving employees at all levels of the organization, comprehensive input and feedback can be gathered, leading to progress and a reduction in stagnation.

One of the main benefits of being highly inclusive in strategy planning is ensuring that the message is not just heard, but understood. When employees are involved in creating the strategy, they have a foundation of understanding that helps them see how their role fits into the big picture goals of the organization. This individual understanding of the “why” behind the plan helps to relate daily tasks to overall strategic objectives, maximizing the potential of all teams within the organization.

Another key benefit of inclusive strategy planning is that it allows experts at all levels of the organization to have a say in the process. While top leadership may have a high-level view of the organization, those on the frontlines have a deep understanding of daily operations and potential areas for improvement. By tapping into these valuable resources, executives can ensure that their strategic plans align with the realities of the organization and its future direction.

Criticism is often viewed as negative, but it is an essential component of growth and innovation. By including employees in strategy planning, organizations create a culture where feedback is valued and used as a tool for improvement. Gathering feedback from all levels of the organization helps identify potential issues before they become major problems and allows for continuous improvement and innovation.

Inclusive strategy planning also helps create a network of stakeholders within the organization. By involving team members in the planning process, organizations demonstrate that their opinions are valued and that they play an important role in shaping the future of the organization. This sense of ownership and pride in their work leads to higher performance and a commitment to the long-term success of the organization.

While inclusive strategy planning may seem daunting at first, the benefits far outweigh the challenges. Trusting the process and being open to feedback and revisions is key to harnessing the valuable insights of employees and driving positive change and innovation within the organization. By involving employees at all levels in the planning process, organizations can ensure alignment with strategic objectives, maximize performance, and foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

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