Exclusive Interview with John Green Discussing OCD and his novel ‘Turtles All The Way Down’


John Green, author of “Turtles All the Way Down,” provides a unique perspective on living with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) that differs from the portrayal often seen in the media. He emphasizes that the disorder begins with a lack of control over one’s thoughts rather than just the compulsive behaviors that are commonly highlighted. Green shares his frustration with the romanticized or stigmatized depictions of OCD in popular culture and aims to create a more nuanced understanding through his young adult novel and movie adaptation. The story follows 16-year-old Aza as she navigates teenage life while grappling with OCD and anxiety, drawing from Green’s own experiences with the disorder.

Green highlights the importance of portraying Aza’s journey with OCD in a realistic and relatable manner, including her resistance to exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP) and eventual acceptance of treatment. While some aspects of Aza’s experience mirror Green’s own struggles, he also wanted to emphasize her individuality and unique challenges. By portraying Aza as a character with a rich and complex life, Green hopes to show that individuals with OCD can still experience joys alongside their difficulties. He aims to help those with OCD feel seen and supported, combating the feelings of isolation that often accompany the disorder.

Reflecting on his own journey with OCD, Green shares that he has lived with the disorder for most of his life and initially found the experience terrifying and isolating as a teenager. While receiving a diagnosis provided a sense of relief, it was just the beginning of his ongoing journey with OCD. Green acknowledges the highs and lows of living with the disorder, emphasizing that individuals can have fulfilling lives despite its challenges. He has experienced varying degrees of effectiveness with treatments like ERP, but currently feels in a good place thanks to therapy and medication.

Green candidly discusses the intense pain and impact of OCD on his life, mentioning how it affects his role as a father and husband. He acknowledges the fear and difficulties his children have witnessed during his panic attacks, but overall feels he is in a better place now compared to past struggles. Despite the stigma surrounding OCD, Green hopes to change the narrative by sharing his experiences and showing that individuals with the disorder can still lead fulfilling lives. By providing a more authentic portrayal of OCD through “Turtles All the Way Down,” Green aims to offer support and understanding to those living with the disorder and break down misconceptions.

In his journey with OCD, Green emphasizes the importance of finding effective treatment and coping mechanisms, even during difficult periods. He acknowledges the impact OCD has on his ability to function, but also recognizes the balance of having a good life amidst the challenges. Green’s experience with various forms of therapy and medication has allowed him to manage his symptoms and lead a more fulfilling life. By openly discussing his struggles and successes, Green hopes to encourage others with OCD to seek help and not feel alone in their experiences.

Through his work and advocacy, John Green sheds light on the reality of living with OCD and offers a message of hope and support for those affected by the disorder. By sharing his personal journey and portraying OCD in a more accurate and nuanced way, he aims to combat stigma and provide a sense of community for individuals struggling with the disorder. Green’s commitment to destigmatizing OCD and promoting understanding and compassion underscores the importance of raising awareness about mental health issues and advocating for effective treatment and support.

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