Failed Attempted Jewel Thief Stopped by Armed Army Veteran Storeowner: ‘Give me your keys, wallet, and gun’


A jewelry store owner in Nebraska, who is also a US Army veteran, foiled a potential theft at his store with quick thinking and his firearm. Garrett Peddicord keeps a firearm with him at all times and noticed a burglar breaking into his store while he was working late one night. The burglar, dressed in black, smashed through a window to gain entry to the store where Peddicord caught him in the act.

Surveillance footage captured Peddicord confronting the thief with his gun drawn, causing the thief to retreat back through the broken window. Peddicord, while pleased with how he was able to protect himself and his store, admitted disappointment in having to use his weapon. He compared his firearm to any other tool he uses in his work as a goldsmith, with the hope of never having to actually use it.

Peddicord’s military training played a significant role in his ability to handle the situation effectively. He credited his time deployed in Afghanistan for providing him with the skills needed to confront the burglar and protect his store. As a responsible gun owner, Peddicord emphasized the importance of proper training and regular practice in handling firearms.

The business owner’s quick thinking and decisive action ultimately prevented the theft from taking place and likely saved him from significant financial losses. Despite the adrenaline of the situation, Peddicord remained calm and was able to diffuse the tense encounter without any harm coming to himself or the thief. The Omaha Police Department was unable to confirm if the perpetrator was apprehended following the failed robbery attempt.

Overall, Garrett Peddicord’s experience highlights the importance of being prepared and vigilant in protecting oneself and one’s property. His military background and dedication to gun safety were instrumental in thwarting the thief’s plans and ensuring the safety of everyone involved. The incident serves as a reminder of the potential risks faced by small business owners and the importance of being proactive in preventing crime.

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