Find Saved Jobs on Linkedin


Have you ever wondered how to effortlessly keep track of all the job opportunities that catch your eye on LinkedIn?

The platform offers a simple yet effective way to save and manage jobs for easy access later on.

By following a few straightforward steps, you can ensure that you never miss out on an exciting career opportunity.

So, why not give it a try and take control of your job search process with this handy feature?

Accessing Your Saved Jobs

Have you ever wondered how to access your saved jobs on LinkedIn? It's quite simple! Just head to the homepage and click on the Jobs tab. From there, select Saved Jobs from the menu options, and voilà, you'll see all the jobs you have saved for future reference. This feature makes it easy for you to keep track of interesting job opportunities you come across while browsing on LinkedIn.

When you access your saved jobs, you can take various actions such as applying for a job directly, sharing job listings with your network, copying job links for later use, or unsaving jobs that no longer interest you. If you decide to remove a saved job from your list, simply select the job and click on the Unsave option. This ensures that your saved job listings remain relevant to your current job search preferences.

Managing Saved Job Listings

To effectively manage your saved job listings on LinkedIn, utilize the available actions such as applying, sending messages, copying job links, and unsaving. When you log into your LinkedIn account, navigate to the Jobs tab and locate the Saved Jobs feature to access your saved job listings.

To apply for a job, simply click on the job listing and use the Apply button to submit your application directly through LinkedIn. If you wish to send a message to the recruiter or hiring manager, you can do so by selecting the job and clicking on the messaging option. Additionally, you can share the job with your connections by using the share button.

If you want to keep track of a job outside of LinkedIn, you can easily copy the job link. Lastly, if you no longer wish to keep a job saved, you can click on the unsave button to remove it from your saved listings. Efficiently managing your saved job listings can streamline your job search process and help you stay organized.

Viewing Saved Jobs on LinkedIn

When accessing LinkedIn through both desktop and mobile platforms, you can easily view your saved jobs by navigating to the Jobs tab. At the top of the Jobs tab, you'll find a section dedicated to your saved jobs. Simply click on a saved job to view its details, such as the job description, requirements, and company information.

From there, you can choose to apply, send a message, copy the job link, or unsave the job if it no longer interests you. It's important to note that your saved jobs on LinkedIn are private, and recruiters or employers don't have visibility into this information, ensuring your privacy.

This feature makes managing your job search easier and more secure, allowing you to keep track of opportunities that catch your eye without worrying about external visibility. LinkedIn provides a convenient and confidential platform for you to save, view, and interact with job listings tailored to your interests.

Searching for Jobs on LinkedIn

Exploring LinkedIn's job search feature allows you to efficiently discover job opportunities tailored to your skills and qualifications. To search for a job on LinkedIn, utilize the search box on the homepage or the Jobs page. Millions of job postings are available daily, making it essential to find ones that align with your expectations for a successful job search.

When you come across a LinkedIn job that interests you, you can save it using the LinkedIn saved jobs function. This enables you to see your saved jobs in one convenient location. Once you save a job on LinkedIn, you can easily view your saved jobs and apply for them directly through the platform. Additionally, LinkedIn notifies you when you save a job, ensuring you're updated on your job search progress.

Make the most of LinkedIn's features by actively searching for jobs and saving the ones that catch your eye.

Deleting Saved Jobs From Linkedin

Deleting saved jobs from LinkedIn is a straightforward process that helps you manage your job search effectively. When you no longer wish to keep a particular job listing, simply locate the saved job, and click on the 'Unsave' option. This action removes the job from your saved jobs list, keeping it organized and relevant to your current job search preferences.

It's important to note that recruiters and employers can't view the saved jobs you delete from your LinkedIn account, ensuring your privacy in managing your job applications. Regularly reviewing and deleting saved jobs that are no longer of interest streamlines your job search experience, allowing you to focus on the most relevant job postings.


Overall, managing your saved jobs on LinkedIn is a simple and efficient process. By accessing the Jobs tab and selecting Saved jobs, you can easily view, apply, and organize your job opportunities.

With the ability to save up to 2000 listings, you can stay organized and focused on your job search. Don't forget to regularly review and delete saved jobs to keep your list updated and relevant to your career goals.

Happy job hunting!

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