Forbes Under30 Africa Summit 2024: Advancing African Music and Languages on the Global Stage


The Globalizing African Music And Languages panel at the Forbes Under30 Africa Summit 2024 focused on the impact of African music and languages on the global stage. The panel discussed how African music has been gaining popularity around the world, thanks to artists like Burna Boy and Wizkid. These artists have been able to blend traditional African sounds with modern influences, creating a unique and captivating sound that resonates with audiences worldwide.

One of the key points raised during the panel was the importance of preserving African languages through music. Many African languages are at risk of extinction due to globalization and the dominance of Western languages. By incorporating African languages into their music, artists are not only preserving their cultural heritage but also introducing these languages to a global audience. This has the potential to promote language diversity and encourage greater understanding and appreciation of African cultures.

The panel also touched on the role of technology in globalizing African music and languages. With the rise of streaming platforms and social media, African artists now have greater access to international audiences. This has allowed them to share their music and languages with people all over the world, breaking down barriers and creating connections across continents. Technology has also made it easier for artists to collaborate with musicians from different countries, leading to the creation of innovative and diverse music.

In addition to discussing the impact of African music and languages on the global stage, the panel also addressed the challenges that artists face in promoting their music internationally. One of the main challenges mentioned was the lack of infrastructure and support for African artists, both within Africa and on the global stage. Many artists struggle to access resources and opportunities that would help them reach a wider audience, hindering their ability to grow and thrive in the industry.

Overall, the Globalizing African Music And Languages panel at the Forbes Under30 Africa Summit 2024 highlighted the power of African music and languages to connect people from different backgrounds and cultures. By embracing their cultural heritage and sharing it with the world, African artists are not only shaping the global music scene but also challenging stereotypes and promoting diversity. Through collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to preserving their languages, African artists are paving the way for a more inclusive and interconnected music industry.

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