Hochul faces backlash after remarks about black children in the Bronx not understanding the word ‘computer’


Bronx politicians criticized Governor Kathy Hochul after she made a comment asserting that some black children in the Bronx do not know what a computer is. Hochul’s statement was made during a discussion about creating a diverse workforce in fields like artificial intelligence. Lawmakers, including Assemblywoman Karines Reyes and Assemblyman John Zaccaro, expressed disappointment in Hochul’s remarks, emphasizing the intelligence and potential of Bronx children and demanding that she do better in her understanding and representation of their abilities.

Assemblywoman Amanda Septimo invited Governor Hochul to visit the Bronx to witness firsthand the intelligence, resilience, and joy of Bronx children and residents. While most Bronx politicians criticized Hochul’s comments, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie came to her defense, acknowledging that her words were hurtful and inartful but stating his belief that she genuinely wants to see all students succeed. Heastie expressed hope in working with Hochul to provide greater access to technology and opportunities for children in the Bronx so they can thrive and grow equally.

The comments were made during the Milken Institute Global Conference where Hochul was discussing her $400 million Empire AI initiative aimed at developing New York’s tech sector through partnerships with universities and the state. The initiative is intended to keep colleges competitive and prepared for the advancement of various industries. Hochul’s remarks about black children in the Bronx not knowing what a computer is drew sharp criticism from various Bronx politicians, highlighting the need for better representation and support for all students, regardless of their background or location.

Assemblywoman Karines Reyes emphasized the brilliance and capabilities of Bronx children, stating that they deserve the same opportunities as other kids. Assemblyman John Zaccaro echoed these sentiments, stating that Bronx children are not only deserving but also capable of seizing opportunities to succeed. The outcry from Bronx lawmakers underscores the importance of ensuring that all children have access to education, technology, and opportunities to realize their full potential and contribute to society.

Hochul’s spokesperson did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the matter. The controversy surrounding her remarks serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing systemic inequalities and providing equal opportunities for all children, regardless of their race or background. Moving forward, it is crucial for leaders to listen to the voices of those they represent and work towards creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for all individuals to thrive and succeed.

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