How to Find Saved Linkedin Posts

By Editor

When looking for saved LinkedIn posts, you might have clicked on the three dots and saved them for later reference. But what happens when you need to retrieve them?

Locating these saved posts can sometimes be a challenge, especially without the ability to search by keywords, authors, or dates.

Stay tuned to uncover some tips and tricks on efficiently managing your saved LinkedIn content.

Locating Saved Posts on Linkedin

To find saved posts on LinkedIn, access them by clicking on your profile picture or 'Me' with a chevron. Once you're on your profile, navigate to the Resources section to locate your saved posts.

Within the Resources section, click on 'Show all X resources' to view and manage the posts you have bookmarked. This section is where all your saved articles and posts are stored for easy access.

If you have a specific post in mind, you can use the search functionality within LinkedIn to quickly find it among your saved items. Managing your saved posts is essential for organizing and accessing valuable content that you wish to refer back to in the future.

Take advantage of the saved posts section in your profile to stay organized and make the most out of the content you find on LinkedIn.

Accessing Your Saved Content

To access your saved content on LinkedIn, simply click on your profile picture or 'Me' with a chevron. This action will direct you to your profile page. Scroll down on the profile page until you reach the Resources section. Within this section, you can find all your saved posts. To view all your saved posts, click on 'Show all X resources.' This will display a list of your saved articles, posts, and other content that you have bookmarked for later access.

Ensuring that your saved posts are well-organized is crucial for making them easily accessible when needed. By managing your saved content effectively, you can quickly locate important resources and refer back to them whenever necessary. Take advantage of the bookmarking feature on LinkedIn to keep track of valuable posts and articles that you want to revisit in the future. By following these steps, you can streamline your workflow and maximize the benefits of your saved posts on LinkedIn.

Finding Your Saved Linkedin Articles

When searching for your saved LinkedIn articles, start by clicking on your profile picture or 'Me' with a chevron located in the top right corner of your screen. Scroll down on your profile page until you find the Resources section where all your saved posts and articles are stored. These saved posts may include articles and posts that you have bookmarked on LinkedIn for later reference. To access all your saved LinkedIn articles, click on 'Show all X resources' within the Resources section.

Managing and organizing your saved LinkedIn articles is essential for building your personal brand and expanding your network. By utilizing the Resources section, you can easily revisit valuable content that aligns with your expertise and value proposition. This curated collection of bookmarked content can serve as a knowledge base to enhance your presence within LinkedIn groups and communities, thereby leveraging social media for software professionals effectively. Keep track of your saved articles by utilizing the white bookmark feature provided by LinkedIn.

Retrieving Saved Posts on Linkedin

If you're looking to retrieve saved posts on LinkedIn, simply navigate to your profile picture or 'Me' with a chevron and scroll down to the Resources section where your saved posts are stored.

This is an effective way to find saved posts that are essential for your social brand and networking on social media. By clicking on 'Show all X resources', you can access a list of all your saved posts, ensuring you stay updated with valuable contributions.

Saved posts play a vital role in showcasing better contributions and can enhance your value proposition in LinkedIn. Utilize the Resources section to manage your saved posts efficiently, allowing you to revisit them at any time.

This feature enables you to quickly search for specific saved posts, making it easier for you to access the content that matters most to you.

Navigating to Saved Linkedin Posts

When accessing saved LinkedIn posts, navigate to your profile picture or 'Me' with a chevron. From there, scroll down on your LinkedIn profile to the Resources section.

Once in the Resources section, click on 'Show all X resources' to access your Saved Posts. These Saved Posts can include articles and other posts that you have saved for later viewing.

By managing and organizing your saved posts, you can ensure quick access to them whenever you need. This feature can be found under the Me section of your LinkedIn profile, offering a convenient way to keep track of valuable content you wish to revisit.

Remember to utilize this function to its full potential by staying organized and making the most of the resources available to you on LinkedIn.


So, now you know how to easily find your saved LinkedIn posts by accessing your saved content and navigating to the saved posts section.

While there isn't a search feature for saved posts by keywords or dates, you can still benefit from saving posts for future reference.

Keep using this feature to stay organized and revisit valuable content on LinkedIn.

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