Increase Your Income by Using AI: How Those Who Utilize Artificial Intelligence Earn More


The AI research and presentation tool Tome recently conducted a survey that revealed individuals who started using AI in the past 18 months are now experiencing significant increases in earnings. Keith Peiris, the CEO of Tome, noted that there is a growing divide between the AI “haves” and “have-nots,” with those who are AI-savvy beginning to outperform their peers. The study found that many people in sales and marketing roles are using AI tools for tasks such as presentations, email, research, lead generation, and marketing, leading to increased productivity and earnings.

According to the survey, 96% of those who adopted AI at work reported an increase in productivity, with 93% of them also experiencing an increase in earnings. The earnings boost ranged from a few thousand dollars to as high as a million, with most respondents reporting increases in the tens of thousands. The survey delved into the specific AI tools being utilized by individuals and identified the top 10 tools being used in various roles to increase productivity and earnings.

The founders of Tome and ArticleX, Keith Peiris and John Rampton, provided tips on how individuals can increase their income and productivity using AI. They advised individuals to explore purpose-built AI tools beyond ChatGPT that can significantly impact their work tasks. By integrating AI seamlessly into daily tasks and gradually increasing the complexity of tasks delegated to AI, individuals can enhance efficiency and decision-making. Monitoring the impact of AI on productivity and earnings, staying updated on AI advancements, and evolving with new technologies are also crucial steps to maximize the benefits of AI.

One example given is Tome, a presentation tool that uses AI to personalize and customize presentations based on input data, leading to improved sales performance. Another tool,, uses AI to conduct detailed surveys and predict outcomes with 99% accuracy, making data-driven decisions faster and more precise. Perplexity is another AI tool that allows users to access information without the need to browse the internet manually, saving significant time in research tasks. By leveraging these AI tools, individuals can optimize their workflow, save time, and focus on higher-value activities.

The integration of AI into various work processes can streamline routine tasks, enhance decision-making, and increase productivity. By measuring the impact of AI implementation through specific metrics and adjusting strategies accordingly, individuals can ensure they are maximizing the benefits of AI. Staying informed about new AI tools, updates, and best practices is essential in evolving with AI advancements and maintaining a competitive edge. By proactively embracing AI technology, professionals can enhance their productivity, increase their earnings, and establish themselves as leaders in an increasingly AI-driven market.

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