Kim Kardashian Receives Mixed Reception at Tom Brady Roast, Addresses Dating Speculations and Draws Parallels Between Brady and Caitlyn Jenner


Kim Kardashian received a mixed reception when she took the stage at The Roast of Tom Brady, with some audience members booing her. She began her set by referencing rumors of a past romantic relationship with Brady, jokingly mentioning the possibility of a sex tape. Despite the rumors, sources denied that they were dating, but the two were spotted together at a party in the Hamptons.

During her toast, Kardashian joked about the unlikelihood of a relationship between her and Brady, comparing him to her stepdad, Caitlyn Jenner, who transitioned in 2015. She playfully teased Brady about potentially trying on her clothes and praised her stepdad for embracing her transition. The audience began to warm up to Kardashian as she continued her set, especially when she made a joke referencing O.J. Simpson.

Kardashian used her family’s connection to Simpson to poke fun at Brady, referencing her father’s involvement in Simpson’s infamous murder trial. The audience reacted positively to the joke, showing support for Kardashian’s set. Before concluding her set, Kardashian compared retirement to a breakup, offering Brady some humorous advice for his future endeavors.

Ultimately, Kardashian received a positive response from the audience by the end of her set, despite the initial boos. The Roast of Tom Brady continued to air live on Netflix, allowing viewers to witness the humorous and lighthearted moments from the event. Kardashian’s appearance at the roast showcased her comedic timing and ability to connect with the audience through relatable and entertaining jokes.

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