LinkedIn Provides Fresh Perspective on How Professionals Use Generative AI


The impact of generative AI on industries and careers is rapidly evolving. LinkedIn, in partnership with Microsoft, has provided an overview of how AI tools are changing the workforce. The report indicates that the use of generative AI has almost doubled in the last six months, with 75% of global knowledge workers incorporating AI tools into their regular processes. This highlights the significance of AI tools and their potential in the modern workforce. However, 53% of individuals using AI at work express concerns that relying on it for important tasks could make them replaceable.

While the idea of AI tools is not to replace humans but to supplement and assist in refining specific tasks, the report emphasizes the importance of AI outputs in streamlining processes and boosting workplace efficiency. Younger users are particularly active in adopting AI applications, suggesting that the future workforce will increasingly rely on AI tools as they grow up in a world where generative AI is prevalent. Hiring managers are already taking this into account, emphasizing the need for professionals to stay abreast of the latest AI tools to enhance their work and adapt to industry disruptions.

LinkedIn data shows that there has been a significant increase in the uptake of LinkedIn Learning courses designed to build AI aptitude among non-technical professionals. Roles such as project managers, architects, and administrative assistants are particularly keen to upskill in AI. Furthermore, there has been a substantial increase in LinkedIn members worldwide adding AI skills to their profiles, with writers, designers, and marketers leading the trend. Job posts that mention artificial intelligence or generative AI have seen a 17% greater application growth compared to those that do not mention them over the past two years.

The report provides insight into the current AI landscape and the disruption caused by AI in various industries. It underscores the importance of increasing knowledge of generative AI tools and understanding how they are impacting specific industries. Hiring managers are increasingly seeking individuals with AI skills and knowledge, highlighting the need for professionals to stay updated on the latest AI trends and tools to remain competitive in their careers. Access to the full report is available for download for those looking to gain a better understanding of the evolving impact of generative AI on industries and careers.

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