Maine Implements Uniform Public Expression Protection Act


Effective January 1, 2025, the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act (UPEPA) will be implemented in Maine, replacing the previous Anti-SLAPP Act with a more comprehensive and specific law aimed at protecting free speech. The UPEPA allows individuals sued for exercising their free speech rights to seek an early dismissal to avoid the costs and stress of baseless lawsuits. Maine’s adoption of the UPEPA aims to provide uniformity of interpretation with other UPEPA states, expanding protections for free speech.

Anti-SLAPP laws like the UPEPA allow for early dismissal of lawsuits targeting individuals for their free speech rights, moving the summary judgment motion to the beginning of the case. This prevents individuals from enduring the expenses and mental toll of abusive lawsuits that would ultimately be dismissed as a matter of law. The UPEPA seeks to streamline the process and protect individuals from harassment and frivolous legal actions that stifle free expression.

Although state legislatures may modify uniform acts to address state-specific concerns, Maine’s adoption of the UPEPA includes minimal alterations, with only a provision expanding protections for certain types of statements made in connection with discrimination complaints. This ensures that the UPEPA’s coverage remains intact while providing additional safeguards for free speech rights. Maine’s adoption of the UPEPA is considered one of the cleanest adoptions, maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the original act.

The year 2024 is expected to see a wave of UPEPA adoptions, with approximately 10 other states considering implementing this uniform act. States like Hawaii, Kentucky, New Jersey, Utah, and Washington have already adopted the UPEPA, with Oregon modifying its existing Anti-SLAPP statute to align closely with the UPEPA. Other states like California, Texas, and New York have their own Anti-SLAPP legislation, albeit without the benefit of uniformity of interpretation, highlighting the importance of the UPEPA in modernizing and strengthening free speech protections.

The UPEPA fulfills its intended purpose of providing a comprehensive Anti-SLAPP law for states without existing statutes, as well as enhancing older or weaker laws in states like Maine. The act aims to safeguard individuals’ rights to free expression and combat efforts to suppress speech through legal intimidation. By bringing states together under a unified framework, the UPEPA ensures consistency and effectiveness in protecting free speech across different jurisdictions.

As more states adopt the UPEPA, the landscape of free speech protections is expected to improve, creating a more robust legal framework for individuals to express themselves without fear of retaliation or legal repercussions. The UPEPA’s success in modernizing and strengthening Anti-SLAPP laws serves as a model for future legislative efforts to protect and uphold the fundamental right to free expression in the digital age.

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