Marketers Must-Have AI Skills Now


A new report by Microsoft and LinkedIn highlights the rapid adoption of AI tools and skills in the marketing industry, showcasing the competitive advantage enjoyed by professionals who leverage AI. The 2024 Work Trend Index Annual Report surveyed over 31,000 individuals across 31 countries, revealing that employers are seeking applicants with AI skills for marketing roles. Karim R. Lakhani, Chair of the Digital Data Design Institute at Harvard, notes that AI enables marketers to work smarter by automating routine tasks and focusing on higher-value, creative work.

The report emphasizes the importance of developing an AI skill set to remain competitive in the marketing industry. Business leaders show a strong preference for candidates and employees with AI skills, with 66% stating they would not consider hiring individuals lacking AI proficiency. Moreover, 71% prefer less experienced job seekers with AI skills over seasoned professionals without that expertise, particularly in creative fields like marketing and design. Michael Platt, a neuroscience professor at the Wharton School, highlights the value of integrating AI into marketing work to position professionals as invaluable assets.

Early-career marketers who develop AI skills stand to benefit significantly, as 77% of leaders report that employees adept at leveraging AI are trusted with greater responsibilities earlier in their careers than their peers without AI skills. Job postings highlighting AI tools and applications have seen a 17% increase in application growth compared to those that do not mention AI, reflecting the importance of AI in attracting top marketing talent. Organizations that provide AI training and support for their marketing teams are likely to have an advantage in the job market.

The widespread adoption of AI in marketing signifies a shift in the skills and capabilities needed to succeed in the industry. Professionals who fail to adapt to AI risk being left behind, as AI transforms marketing approaches and becomes essential for career advancement and job market competitiveness. The report emphasizes the role of businesses in fostering an AI-driven culture, noting that companies investing in AI tools, training, and employee support will attract and retain top talent, drive innovation, and achieve better results in the market.

To succeed in the AI era, marketing professionals are encouraged to prioritize developing AI skills through courses, workshops, training programs, and collaboration with AI practitioners to gain hands-on experience. Experimenting with new AI tools and techniques, integrating them into daily workflows, and actively sharing AI knowledge with colleagues can drive organizational AI adoption and improve efficiency. Highlighting AI capabilities during job searches and choosing employers committed to AI adoption will help professionals future-proof their careers and advance in the competitive marketing field.

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