Partidul ultranaționalist AUR angajează senatori pe LinkedIn


The leader of Romania’s far-right party AUR, George Simion, recently posted a recruitment announcement on LinkedIn seeking individuals for high-level representation positions within the party. This includes positions such as senators and leadership roles in state-controlled companies. The announcement, which was posted from Simion’s verified official account on the platform, has already attracted over 100 applicants. Simion is looking for individuals with experience in various sectors coordinated by the Romanian state, with a focus on leading these institutions towards implementing the AUR government program and developing sectoral governance programs.

In the recruitment announcement, George Simion specifically mentioned the core areas that the party is looking to fill positions in, which include Nuclearelectrica, CFR, Tarom, and ASF. He emphasized the importance of finding public servants and specialists who can help advance the AUR government program and support the development of sectoral governance programs in areas such as energy, administration, environment, agriculture, and transport. Applicants were asked to specify their desired position and their willingness to relocate in their cover letter when applying on LinkedIn.

The recruitment drive by AUR and George Simion comes at a time when the party has seen a number of members, heads of regional organizations, and party candidates leaving due to what they characterize as authoritarian leadership. These departures have raised concerns about the future direction of the party and its ability to attract and retain talented individuals to support its goals and objectives. Simion’s initiative to recruit new leaders and representatives for AUR suggests a continued effort to strengthen the party’s presence and influence in Romanian politics.

The announcement on LinkedIn signals George Simion’s intention to expand AUR’s reach and influence by bringing in new talent to fill key positions within the party and in state-controlled companies. By actively seeking individuals with expertise in various sectors, Simion aims to bolster AUR’s capacity to enact its government program and advance its policy objectives. The recruitment efforts also underscore the party’s commitment to developing sectoral governance programs aimed at improving key areas of the Romanian state.

As the recruitment drive progresses and new candidates are selected for leadership roles within AUR, the party will likely continue to face scrutiny and criticism from those who have raised concerns about its leadership style and direction. The success of this initiative will depend on the ability of the new recruits to effectively implement the AUR government program and contribute to the party’s overall objectives. It remains to be seen how the recruitment of new leaders will impact AUR’s standing in Romanian politics and its ability to attract support from voters and other stakeholders.

Overall, George Simion’s recruitment drive on LinkedIn represents a significant effort by AUR to strengthen its leadership team and expand its influence in Romanian politics. By seeking individuals with expertise in key sectors and state-controlled companies, the party aims to position itself as a credible and effective force in advancing its policy agenda. The recruitment process will be closely watched by observers and critics alike, as the success of AUR’s leadership team will play a crucial role in shaping the party’s future direction and impact on Romanian politics.

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