Shaking Up the Conventional Tuition Industry

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Photo by | Stable Diffusion

Emil, the founder of First Principles Education, aims to help students become self-navigating learners without relying on traditional tuition. Recognizing the negative impact that tuition can have on children’s joy in learning, Emil’s company follows guiding principles to disrupt the billion-dollar tuition industry in Singapore. By understanding the desires of parents and the shifting priorities in education, First Principles Education focuses on nurturing lifelong habits and independent learning in students.

To build a successful edtech empire, Emil emphasizes the importance of giving customers what they will want in the future. Through research and interviews with over 1000 families, his team identified a demand for educational programs that promote confidence and independence in students. By aligning their services with parents’ true desires for their children’s future success, First Principles Education is able to provide a program specifically designed for those who want to shift away from traditional tuition.

Understanding what customers actually want, rather than what they articulate, is crucial in disrupting the educational system. By recognizing that parents ultimately want their children to lead meaningful and happy lives, Emil’s company focuses on nurturing resilient habits and smart study skills. By aligning with the evolving educational landscape in Singapore, which places less emphasis on grades and more on independent learning, First Principles Education is able to provide a service that meets the true needs of parents and students.

Emil advises aspiring disruptors in the education industry to study their government’s stance on education and engage with local students and parents to gain a deeper understanding of their desires. By asking “why” instead of “what” they want, founders can develop services that meet unexpressed needs and desires. This approach allows companies to make a meaningful impact in shaping the future of education and helping students prepare for success in a rapidly changing society.

Implementing the guiding principles of understanding future customer needs and aligning with true desires has allowed First Principles Education to mentor students, change learning habits, and gain recognition from government schools. By disrupting the traditional tuition industry, the company has returned the freedom and joy of learning to children and helped prepare them for a future focused on independent learning and resilience. Emil’s dedication to creating a positive impact in education has propelled First Principles Education to success and recognition within the industry.

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