Sophia Bush Grateful for Fans’ Support Following Queer Coming Out: ‘Courage is Inspiring’


Actress Sophia Bush recently came out as queer and confirmed her relationship with former USWNT player Ashlyn Harris, receiving an outpouring of support from fans, friends, and fellow celebrities. In a self-written cover story for Glamour, Bush expressed gratitude for the kindness and vulnerability shared by her followers, emphasizing that courage is contagious. The Chicago P.D. alum revealed that she has always known her sexuality exists on a spectrum and identified with the word queer. She also addressed the false accusations and rumors surrounding her divorce and new relationship.

Bush’s relationship with Harris blossomed after both women went through divorces. Harris, who was previously married to U.S. soccer star Ali Krieger, shares two children with her ex-wife. Despite facing scrutiny and judgment, Bush maintained that her decision to leave her marriage was a result of personal growth and self-discovery. She spoke out against the untrue claims that she ended her marriage due to a sudden realization about her sexuality, emphasizing the emotional journey and introspection she underwent before coming out.

The actress recounted the profound sense of freedom she experienced after finally embracing her true self and shared the heartwarming response she received from her mother. Despite initially opting to keep her coming out journey private, Bush eventually decided to share her story in order to inspire and connect with others. She emphasized the importance of having the support of loved ones, including her parents, who fully accept and embrace her for who she is. Bush’s message of self-acceptance and authenticity resonated with many, inspiring others to live their truth and celebrating the diversity of human relationships.

The Glamour cover story marked a significant moment for Sophia Bush as she publicly embraced her queerness and affirmed her love for Ashlyn Harris. The response from fans and followers was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing admiration for Bush’s courage and authenticity. The actress’s openness about her journey of self-discovery and acceptance serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of living authentically and embracing one’s true identity. By sharing her story, Bush hopes to create a more inclusive and accepting world where everyone can feel free to be themselves without fear of judgment or discrimination.

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