Survivors of reported child sex abuse in Illinois detention centers come forward


Three men who were sexually abused as children at Illinois youth detention facilities have come forward to speak about their experiences as part of a lawsuit alleging systemic child abuse at these facilities. The lawsuit includes 95 plaintiffs who claim they were threatened to keep quiet or rewarded for staying silent. This case follows similar claims of child sex abuse at juvenile detention centers in other states.

The lawsuit details decades of disturbing allegations of systemic child abuse in Illinois youth detention centers, with abuse reported from 1996 to 2017. The complaint includes reports of gang rape, forced oral sex, and beatings by various staff members at nine different detention centers in the state. Many of the plaintiffs shared that they were threatened or rewarded to keep the abuse hidden. Ten of the plaintiffs appeared at a news conference to share their stories.

One survivor, Calvin McDowell, shared his experience of being abused by a chaplain at a suburban Chicago youth center as a teenager. He spoke of feeling alone and not being able to share his secret out of fear and embarrassment. Another survivor, Jeffery Christian, also spoke out about his experiences at two different Illinois Youth Centers, including being abused by a counselor during counseling sessions. The survivors are seeking justice and want to ensure that no more children suffer the same abuse.

The lawsuit alleges that Illinois failed to supervise, discipline, remove, or investigate alleged abusers, allowing the abuse to continue. The abuse is reported to have taken place in youth centers throughout the state, including in Chicago, St. Charles, and Harrisburg. The lawsuit seeks damages of roughly $2 million per plaintiff. Attorneys involved in the case are skeptical that things have changed and believe there are more survivors who have yet to come forward.

Survivors involved in the lawsuit expressed hope that legal action will provide them with answers, including the names of their alleged abusers. The lawsuit identifies six alleged repeat offenders by name, but many others are only identified by physical descriptions or nicknames. One survivor, Stephen Lucas, shared that he was repeatedly abused and harassed by a supervisor at a downstate youth facility when he was about 13 years old. He expressed that coming forward has helped him reclaim a part of himself that was taken from him.

Attorneys involved in the lawsuit stated that they anticipate filing more lawsuits on behalf of other former child detainees in Illinois who allege sexual abuse. They emphasized the importance of holding the state accountable for failing to prevent the abuse and ensuring that children in detention centers are safe. Survivors shared that speaking out and meeting others who have had similar experiences has helped them find peace and begin the process of reclaiming their lives after the trauma they endured as children.

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