The reason we must have…: Ola’s Bhavish Aggarwal reacts to removal of post on LinkedIn


Bhavish Aggarwal, the founder of Ola, recently criticized LinkedIn for removing his post on “pronoun illness”, where he referred to the use of pronouns as an illness and stated that India does not need new pronouns. Aggarwal accused LinkedIn’s AI tool of imposing a political ideology on Indian users, calling it unsafe and sinister. He expressed the need for India to develop its own technology and AI to avoid being manipulated by external political objectives.

In his post on X, Aggarwal shared his concerns about the concept of gender pronouns and expressed hope that it would not become widespread in India. He pointed out that many people in India are unaware of the politics behind pronouns and suggested that the practice has only become common due to the influence of multinational corporations. Aggarwal also raised alarms about the introduction of pronouns in Indian schools and CVs, urging caution against blindly following Western trends.

Aggarwal shared a screenshot of an interaction with the AI bot on LinkedIn, where the bot had used “they” and “their” to address him instead of traditional pronouns like “he” or “his”. This incident further fueled Aggarwal’s criticism of LinkedIn, as he felt that the platform was not respecting his personal identity. He emphasized the importance of setting boundaries in adopting Western practices and highlighted the need for India to maintain its cultural values.

The Ola CEO’s stance on pronouns and the use of AI technology reflects a broader concern about cultural influences from the West and the need for India to uphold its own traditions. Aggarwal’s comments have ignited a debate about the implications of adopting foreign practices in Indian society, especially in the corporate world. His call for indigenous technological advancements resonates with a growing sentiment of self-reliance and protection of national interests in the digital age.

LinkedIn’s actions and the response to Aggarwal’s post underscore the complex interplay between technology, culture, and identity in a globalized world. The incident highlights the challenges of navigating cultural differences and the potential risks of AI algorithms inadvertently perpetuating biases or imposing foreign ideologies. Aggarwal’s critique of LinkedIn serves as a reminder of the importance of cultural sensitivity and awareness in the design and implementation of technology platforms.

As India continues to grapple with rapid technological advancements and globalization, debates around issues like pronouns and cultural identity are likely to persist. The episode involving Bhavish Aggarwal and LinkedIn serves as a case study for examining how technology can influence and shape societal norms, and the importance of fostering a diverse and inclusive digital ecosystem. Ultimately, the incident prompts reflection on the implications of AI and social media platforms on culture, identity, and the future of Indian society.

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