Threads gives users full control over who can quote their posts


Threads has introduced a new feature that allows users to control who can quote their posts in the app. This feature can be accessed in the options menu for each individual Threads post, where users can choose from three options: “Anyone,” “Profiles you follow,” or “Mentioned only.” This level of control goes beyond what X (formerly Twitter) offers, as it allows users to limit who can quote a post, in addition to who can reply.

Threads chief Adam Mosseri announced the update, stating that it is aimed at creating a more positive environment within the app and giving users more control over their experience. While some users have had access to this feature for a few weeks, it is now available to everyone, adding to the growing number of control options that Threads is implementing into its UI. These tools are designed to help users protect themselves in various ways and navigate their in-app experience more effectively.

As social media users become more aware of their options for controlling their online interactions, the addition of this feature in Threads is a positive development. It aligns with the broader trend of social media conversations moving from public spaces to private chats, where users can avoid scrutiny and negative interactions. By providing users with the ability to manage who can engage with their posts, Threads is contributing to Meta’s mission of making the app a more positive experience for users.

The introduction of this feature in Threads is seen as a step toward the app becoming the preferred platform for online conversations, as competing platforms like X continue to face challenges related to divisive arguments and negative interactions. By giving users more control over who can quote their posts, Threads is empowering users to create a more positive and personalized in-app experience. This level of control could attract more users who are looking for a safer and more positive space for interacting with others online.

Overall, the addition of the “Who can reply and quote” feature in Threads is a welcome development that enhances the app’s functionality and user experience. By enabling users to manage who can engage with their posts, Threads is addressing the growing needs of social media users for greater control over their online interactions. This feature aligns with the app’s goal of creating a more positive environment for users and could ultimately contribute to Threads becoming a leading platform for online conversations.

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