TikTok to display ‘AI-generated’ label on third-party content with watermarks


TikTok has introduced a new feature that automatically tags content created using AI tools as “AI-generated.” This label will now also apply to content created on other platforms that is uploaded to TikTok. The platform will detect when images or videos contain metadata tags indicating the use of AI-generated content, making it the first social media platform to support this feature. Additionally, TikTok has partnered with Adobe’s Content Authenticity Initiative and the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity to support the new Content Credentials system.

The support for Adobe’s tagging system has been integrated into tools like Photoshop and Firefly, making it easier for creators to indicate when their content has been generated using AI. This partnership with Adobe’s CAI and C2PA demonstrates TikTok’s commitment to promoting authentic and trustworthy content on its platform. The Content Credentials support will be implemented in multiple phases, with the first step being the automatic labeling of AI-generated uploads that already contain the necessary tags.

In the next phase of implementation, TikTok plans to add Content Credentials tags to content generated using its AI effects. These tags will remain in place even if the content is downloaded and posted on other platforms, providing a way for viewers to easily identify AI-generated content. This feature is aimed at increasing transparency and trust in the content created and shared on the platform, ensuring that users are aware of the use of AI in the creation process.

By partnering with Adobe and other organizations focused on content authenticity, TikTok is taking a proactive approach to addressing concerns about misinformation and deepfakes. The integration of Content Credentials will not only help users identify AI-generated content but also provide creators with a way to showcase their use of AI tools in a transparent manner. This will ultimately help build trust with the audience and promote a more authentic content experience on the platform.

The collaboration between TikTok and Adobe’s CAI and C2PA highlights the importance of industry partnerships in addressing the challenges of content authenticity in the digital age. By working together to develop and implement tools like Content Credentials, social media platforms can take a more proactive approach to combating misinformation and promoting transparency in content creation. This new feature on TikTok is just one example of how AI technology can be used to both enhance creativity and ensure the authenticity of digital content.

Overall, TikTok’s new Content Credentials support for AI-generated content represents a significant step towards promoting transparency and trust on the platform. By automatically labeling and tagging content created using AI tools, TikTok is empowering creators to showcase their work in a more authentic and transparent manner. This feature, along with partnerships with industry organizations like Adobe, demonstrates TikTok’s commitment to fostering a safe and trustworthy environment for content creation and sharing.

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