Time capsule found during demolition of Minnesota high school dates back 104 years


During a demolition project at a former high school in Owatonna, Minnesota, construction workers discovered a time capsule buried in 1920. This capsule was found as the crew was pulling down the front pillars and doors of the school. The contents of the time capsule included a roster of teachers and administrators, the high school magnet, the high school newspaper, three local newspapers, and financial statements. The capsule was opened during a community event, with the school district’s superintendent expressing excitement at learning more about the history of the community and the individuals who originally built the school.

The superintendent, Jeff Elstad, mentioned that while the exact contents of a time capsule are unpredictable, items such as newspapers and local history are commonly included. The discovery of items from 1920 that specifically shared information about the schools at that time was particularly enjoyable. The Owatonna High School Museum Committee is collaborating with the Steele County Historical Society to dry and preserve the items found in the time capsule. After preservation, decisions will be made on which items will be displayed at the school and which will be moved into the historical society’s collections.

Elstad explained that the discovery of the time capsule has provided the community with a valuable opportunity to look back at local history. He expressed appreciation for the historical significance of the time capsule and a commitment to preserving history for future generations. The school district is dedicated to continuing to maintain and share the rich history of the community. The excitement surrounding the discovery of the time capsule highlights the importance of preserving and honoring the past for present and future generations to appreciate.

In a separate event, two felony charges against an alleged would-be shooter at a Minnesota college were dismissed by a judge. The details of the case were not provided in the article, but the decision by the judge indicates a significant development in the legal proceedings. The reasons for the dismissal of these charges were not specified, leaving room for speculation and further investigation into the circumstances surrounding the alleged incident at the Minnesota college. The judge’s decision marks a turning point in the case, potentially impacting the future course of legal proceedings.

Additionally, Minnesota police were involved in clearing out an anti-Israel protest in the heart of Ilhan Omar’s Congressional district. The article did not provide details on the nature of the protest or the reasons behind the police intervention. The presence of law enforcement in dispersing the protest suggests potential tensions or conflicts that required intervention to maintain order and safety. The location of the protest in Ilhan Omar’s Congressional district adds a political dimension to the incident, raising questions about the intersection of free speech, activism, and law enforcement responses in a politically charged environment. The outcome of the protest dispersal and any ensuing developments were not elaborated upon in the article.

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