Turning your iPad into a giant Nintendo DS with the Delta emulator coming soon


The Delta emulator has gained significant popularity since its release on the Apple App Store, quickly rising to the top spot in Apple’s free apps. Developer Riley Testut has announced that an iPad-specific version is nearing completion and will be released with Delta version 1.6. While the iOS version already works on the iPad, a native version will allow for better use of the full screen real estate and support for iPad Split View.

The native iPad version of Delta will also feature better skins, including one that transforms the iPad into a Nintendo DS Lite. It will also support iPad Split View, enhancing the user experience. Testut has also mentioned plans to introduce “device-to-device multiplayer” to the app, enabling players to connect and play with others on their own devices. This multiplayer feature will provide an exciting new way to enjoy gaming on the emulator.

In addition to the iPad version, Testut has revealed that Sega Genesis emulation is currently in beta and will be added to the app in the near future. However, this feature will likely be released after the iPad version is made available to users. The addition of Sega Genesis emulation will expand the range of games that can be played on the Delta emulator, further enhancing its appeal to users.

The upcoming release of the iPad version of the Delta emulator has generated excitement among fans of the app. The larger screen size and added features will provide a more immersive gaming experience for users. With support for iPad Split View and device-to-device multiplayer, the app is poised to become even more popular among gamers looking for a versatile and enjoyable emulation experience.

Despite the anticipation for the iPad version, the current iOS version of the Delta emulator already offers a high-quality gaming experience. Users have been enjoying playing games like Metroid Prime Hunters on their devices, with the option to use AirPlay to play on a TV. With the addition of the iPad version, users can look forward to even more possibilities for gaming on their devices.

Overall, the imminent release of the iPad version of the Delta emulator, along with planned updates such as Sega Genesis emulation and multiplayer support, is set to further elevate the app’s status as a leading emulator in the gaming community. The continued development and innovation by Testut demonstrate a commitment to providing users with a top-notch emulation experience on their Apple devices.

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