Viral LinkedIn Request Advises CEO Against Poaching Competitor’s Employees


Ali Schwanke, co-founder of Simple Strat, shared her unusual experience of receiving a LinkedIn connection request with a warning not to poach a rival company’s employees. The message, sent by Optima Solutions CEO Carlos Pantoja, humorously stated, “Your first and only warning: do not try to poach my employees or you will have no employees yourself.” Schwanke found the threat amusing and commented that LinkedIn now apparently comes with threats instead of pitches. Despite never hearing of Optima Solutions before, she chose to share the message on social media.

The incident involving Schwanke and Pantoja reminded some people of an email sent by former Apple CEO Steve Jobs to Adobe’s CEO in 2005, accusing the company of recruiting Apple employees. In the email, Jobs expressed his displeasure at Adobe’s actions and stated that one of the companies needed to change their recruitment policy. Schwanke’s post sparked discussions on the appropriateness of such aggressive warnings, with Stark CEO Cat Noone questioning the need for hostility in a professional setting. While Schwanke found the threat unwarranted, she chose not to blur out Pantoja’s name and face in her post.

Despite the humorous nature of the situation, the underlying issue of employee poaching and competition between companies was evident. Poaching talent from rival companies has been a common practice in the corporate world and has led to legal battles and controversies. While there are no laws explicitly forbidding employee poaching, companies often have non-solicitation agreements in place to protect their workforce. The incident involving Schwanke and Pantoja shed light on the competitive nature of the business world and the lengths some companies may go to protect their employees.

The public reaction to Schwanke’s post was mixed, with some finding the warning from Pantoja unnecessary and aggressive, while others saw it as a humorous anecdote. The incident also highlighted the importance of professionalism and etiquette in professional communications, especially in a digital setting. While employee poaching is a common strategy for companies to gain a competitive edge, it can also lead to strained relationships between companies and legal ramifications. Schwanke’s decision to share the message on social media sparked conversations about the boundaries of professional conduct and the competitive nature of the business world.

In conclusion, the incident involving Ali Schwanke and Carlos Pantoja brought attention to the practice of employee poaching and the competitive dynamics between companies. While the threat from Pantoja was seen as humorous by some, it highlighted the potential repercussions of poaching employees from rival companies. The incident also served as a reminder of the importance of professionalism and etiquette in professional communications. Employee poaching is a common strategy in the corporate world, but it can also lead to legal issues and strained relationships between companies. Overall, the incident sparked discussions about the boundaries of professional conduct and the competitive nature of the business world.

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