What has caused LinkedIn to become so strange? | Coco Khan

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Photo by Stability.ai | Stable Diffusion

LinkedIn has changed over the years, becoming more of a social media platform than a professional networking site. It is now filled with long posts, vacation pictures, and motivational clichés that can make it seem cultish. There is also a common language used on the platform, with people boasting about their accomplishments and sharing personal stories in an attempt to stand out. Job seekers now feel pressured to conform to this new LinkedIn culture, even if it means sacrificing their authenticity.

The pressure to fit in on LinkedIn can be overwhelming, especially for those with non-linear career paths. People like the author’s friend, who have diverse and unconventional work experiences, struggle to present themselves in a way that aligns with the platform’s expectations. The need to package one’s life into a neat, marketable profile can be disheartening and make individuals feel like they are selling themselves short. However, with job vacancies increasingly requiring applicants to submit their LinkedIn profiles, many feel they have no choice but to conform.

The impact of social media on society has been widely discussed, from Instagram’s promotion of unrealistic standards to Facebook’s role in spreading misinformation. However, LinkedIn’s influence on how we perceive ourselves and our achievements has not received as much attention. The platform encourages users to see themselves as brands and perpetuates the idea that we must always be selling ourselves. This pressure to constantly promote one’s personal brand can lead to individuals feeling inadequate or inauthentic.

The author suggests that LinkedIn could benefit from more honesty and authenticity. Instead of the usual self-aggrandizing posts, they propose a more candid approach where individuals share their shortcomings and quirks. This shift towards transparency could help humanize the platform and make it a more relatable space. By acknowledging our imperfections and embracing our uniqueness, we can create a more genuine and inclusive professional community.

In a world where work often consumes our lives, it is important to remember that we are more than just employees or job seekers. LinkedIn’s focus on professional achievements and personal branding can sometimes overshadow the other aspects of our lives. It is crucial to maintain a sense of balance and perspective, recognizing that our worth is not solely determined by our career successes. By fostering a more holistic view of ourselves and others, we can create a healthier and more fulfilling professional environment.

Ultimately, LinkedIn’s evolution into a social networking site reflects broader societal trends towards personal branding and self-promotion. However, it is important to remember that authenticity and integrity should not be sacrificed in the pursuit of professional success. By embracing our flaws and imperfections, we can cultivate a more genuine and empathetic online community. As the author suggests, a bit of humor and self-awareness could go a long way in making LinkedIn a more enjoyable and meaningful platform for all users.

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