How Do I Find Saved Posts on Linkedin


If you're wondering how to track down your treasured saved posts on LinkedIn, the process may not be as straightforward as you'd hope.

The journey to uncovering your saved gems can be a bit labyrinthine, especially if you've amassed a collection over time.

However, fear not, as there are methods to navigate this virtual maze and unearth your saved treasures.

Stay tuned to unravel the mystery and reclaim your saved LinkedIn posts efficiently.

Locating the Saved Posts Section

To find the Saved Posts section on LinkedIn, simply click on your profile picture or 'Me' with a chevron to access your profile settings. Once you're in the Me tab, scroll down on the profile page until you reach the Resources section. Within the Resources section, you'll find a link that says 'Show all X resources.' Click on this link to view and access the Saved Posts section.

In the Saved Posts section, you can find articles and posts that you have bookmarked for later reference. This feature allows you to easily access valuable content that you have come across while browsing on LinkedIn. Whether it's an insightful article or a helpful post, you can save it in this section for future reading. By utilizing the Saved Posts section, you can keep track of important information and refer back to it whenever needed.

Accessing Your Saved Posts

Accessing your saved posts on LinkedIn is a straightforward process that allows you to revisit valuable content you have bookmarked. To find your saved posts, click on your profile picture or 'Me' with a chevron to access your profile.

Once on your profile page, scroll down to the Resources section. Here, you can click on 'Show all X resources' to view all your saved posts, including articles and posts from LinkedIn groups and communities.

Saved posts are great for keeping track of important information and staying updated on topics that interest you.

Managing Saved Posts on LinkedIn

When managing your saved posts on LinkedIn, you can easily organize and categorize content for future reference. Access your saved posts by clicking on your profile picture or the 'Me' tab with a chevron.

Scroll down on your profile page until you reach the Resources section, where you can find all your saved posts. Click on 'Show all X resources' to view a comprehensive list of your saved content, including articles and posts you've earmarked for later.

Saved posts on LinkedIn serve as valuable resources for revisiting insightful content at your convenience. By utilizing the saved posts feature, you can stay organized and effortlessly access the materials you find beneficial.

Take advantage of this tool to manage, categorize, and access relevant posts efficiently within your LinkedIn profile.

Finding Saved Posts on Mobile

Navigate to your profile picture or the 'Me' tab on LinkedIn mobile to locate your saved posts efficiently. By tapping on your profile picture or accessing the 'Me' tab, you can find your saved posts in the top left corner of the screen.

Scroll down to the 'Resources' section on your profile page where you'll find a selection of your saved posts. Click on 'Show all X resources' to access a comprehensive list of your Saved Posts on LinkedIn mobile.

These saved posts can include articles and posts that you've bookmarked for later viewing, allowing you to stay updated on relevant content. Managing your saved posts effectively on LinkedIn mobile is crucial for building your personal brand and staying connected in your professional network.

Make use of this feature to find and utilize valuable resources to enhance your online presence and social engagement.

Utilizing Saved Posts for Engagement

To engage effectively with your network on LinkedIn, make use of the saved posts feature to share valuable content and spark meaningful conversations. Your saved posts can serve as a valuable resource for showcasing your expertise and value proposition to your connections. By bookmarking things you find insightful or relevant, you can curate content that aligns with your personal brand and network. When you engage with your connections by sharing these saved posts, you not only provide value to them but also position yourself as a knowledgeable professional in your field.

Utilizing saved posts on LinkedIn is a strategic way to leverage the platform as a social media for software professionals to build your professional network. When you find your saved posts, consider how they can contribute to discussions within your industry. The feedback received from sharing your saved posts is private, allowing you to tailor your interactions based on individual responses. Use the icons for saving posts to easily manage saved posts and ensure you can access them when needed. Show your bookmarked articles and posts to demonstrate your commitment to staying informed and engaged within your professional community.


So, next time you're looking for valuable content you saved on LinkedIn, simply click on the three dots and access your saved posts.

Remember to utilize this feature to stay connected, engaged, and informed on the platform.

Happy networking!

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