Leveraging the New LinkedIn Algorithm Change for Your B2B Posts


Recent changes to LinkedIn’s algorithm have shifted the platform’s focus from engagement to quality content. This change means that cringeworthy “thought leadership” posts are no longer favored, and now it is essential to prioritize high-quality content over quantity. For B2B companies, this shift has transformed LinkedIn into a powerful marketing tool, allowing brands to build their reputation and engage with their target audience in a more meaningful way. As a result, there is a growing emphasis on leveraging LinkedIn influencers, but there are also other non-influencer strategies that B2B brands can utilize to maximize their presence on the platform.

One key strategy for B2B brands on LinkedIn is to ensure that leadership is actively engaged on the platform. Whether you are a large corporation or a small startup, it is essential for your leadership team to act as brand representatives and share their expertise and opinions on industry news and trends. By engaging with top clients, sharing company wins, and demonstrating thought leadership, leadership can help to establish the brand’s credibility and stand out in a competitive marketplace. Additionally, it is important for the wider team to be involved in promoting diverse opinions and perspectives to create a well-rounded presence on LinkedIn.

Empowering employees to be brand advocates and influencers on LinkedIn is another effective strategy for B2B brands. Providing employees with guidelines and best practices for posting on LinkedIn, as well as encouraging them to engage with company content and share their expertise, can help to amplify the brand’s reach and establish credibility within the industry. By identifying and supporting employees with strong engagement and expertise, brands can cultivate a team of sought-after influencers who can help to elevate the brand’s reputation and visibility on the platform.

Content marketing remains a crucial aspect of building a successful brand on LinkedIn. By prioritizing owned media channels over earned channels, brands can leverage the platform to distribute authentic, actionable insights and thought leadership content to a targeted audience. Utilizing a variety of mediums such as articles, newsletters, short-form videos, graphics, and webinars can help to engage with customers, address their pain points, and establish the brand as a trusted industry leader. Additionally, celebrating employee achievements, customer wins, and partnerships can help to humanize the brand and foster connections with the audience.

In conclusion, LinkedIn has evolved into a valuable content marketing powerhouse for B2B brands, offering a platform for engaging with industry professionals and building brand credibility. By focusing on quality over quantity, actively engaging leadership, empowering employees as influencers, and creating diverse and engaging content, B2B brands can maximize their presence on LinkedIn and establish themselves as industry leaders. It is essential for brands to adapt to the changing algorithm and embrace new strategies to leverage the platform effectively and drive meaningful engagement with their target audience.

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