LinkedIn Experiences ‘Unprecedented Engagement Levels’ Yet Again


Microsoft reported that LinkedIn saw record levels of engagement in the most recent reporting period, continuing a trend that has been ongoing since 2018. The platform has consistently seen increases in sessions and engagement levels, with the most recent update showing an additional 11% growth in sessions. However, the lack of further insight or qualification of these claims by Microsoft leaves many questioning the validity of these reports.

Since 2018, LinkedIn has reported record levels of engagement and session growth in every quarterly update, with some periods seeing sessions growth as high as 34%. The platform now boasts over a billion members worldwide, but there is a distinction between members and active users. Despite shutting down its Chinese business in 2022, LinkedIn’s member count did not decrease, raising questions about the accuracy of these numbers and how they contribute to the reported engagement levels.

While LinkedIn’s revenue is up 10%, driven by “all lines of business,” Microsoft provides no specifics on what this entails. The platform’s consistent growth in engagement may be attributed to the addition of new users over time, but without information on active user numbers, the significance of these claims is questioned. The report also highlights the difference between cumulative profiles created and active users, with examples such as Twitter hosting dormant profiles that inflate their member counts.

Despite the lack of transparency in Microsoft’s reporting, LinkedIn continues to see record levels of engagement, with increases in sessions and interactions. The platform’s growth is attributed to adding new members, but questions remain about the accuracy of these numbers and how they contribute to the reported engagement levels. Overall, LinkedIn’s performance appears positive, with revenue up and consistent growth in engagement rates, but the lack of specifics leaves room for skepticism.

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